Please use this signup link using your Playmetrics account with AFC Lightning - here.
Concerts are typically held from May through October of each year at Lakewood Amphitheater at
202 Lakewood Avenue Atlanta, GA 30315
TEAM training is required once every 3 years. Classes are held at Lakewood Amphitheater, local high schools, and at our facilities in April and May of each year.
You can sign up for TEAM training via Signup Genius here:
Training dates are:
April 18th 6:30pm Orientation/TEAM
April 20th 6:30pm Orientation/TEAM
April 25th 6:30pm Orientation/TEAM
April 29th 10am and 2pm Orientation/TEAM
1) Technical 2) Tactical 3) Mental 4) Physical
Players can earn a position on a Lightning Academy team under the following conditions:
Volunteer spots will be assigned on a first come first served basis via It is the
volunteer’s responsibility to keep track of his/her own signup dates and times.
There may be times when a concert requires fewer volunteers than expected. If this occurs, we will ask all signups for the event to voluntarily give up their spot. If there are no volunteers, we will remove the volunteers with the latest signup date/time.
Deciding whethVolunteer signups on can be edited, changed, deleted, or swapped with another volunteer anytime up to 7 days before an event. Any changes after the 7 th day (before an event) can only be made by the AFC Lakewood Volunteer Coordinator.
Please contact the Coordinator if you will not be able to attend an event and they will work with you to help find a replacement for your volunteer slot.
Failure to attend an event that you signed up for may result in a penalty of $50.00 (deducted from your earnings). Per our agreement with Legends Music, AFC is required to provide a minimum number of volunteers for each event. Failure to meet these requirement may result in financial penalties being assessed against our earnings. In order to avoid these situations, please be mindful of the commitment you made to the program and the other AFC volunteers.
Volunteers are require to sign in on the attendance sheet in the concession stand. These sheets are used to determine your attendance and share calculations.
Please make every effort to arrive by the specified start time. Please call or message your stand lead
coordinator if you are going to be late. After a certain time, you will not be allowed to enter the venue.
While Lakewood does understand that there are circumstances (weather/traffic) which can impact your arrival time, volunteers who show a pattern of late arrivals may be asked to leave the program.
All volunteers must check/sign in at the volunteer check-in station where you will be provided your
volunteer shirt. All personal items must be carried in a clear bag and are subject to search by Lakewood